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— Seh Yaho b'Har Horeb (@jebellawz) 6. Juli 2017
Jupiter >>> Year: 2017
— Seh Yaho b'Har Horeb (@jebellawz) 6. Juli 2017
Sun >>> Month: 9
Moon >>> Day: 23
❝ Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you to me: what have you done? ❞ ~ Pontius Pilate (John 18:35)
— Jörg Frost (@jebellawz) Oktober 29, 2012
הוא ישופך ראש (Hu yeshuphka rosh) "He shall bruise your head" ➨ ישוע #Yeshua #Jesus
— Jörg Frost (@jebellawz) November 4, 2012
אני יהוה הוא שמי (ani Yaho hu shemi) ➨ "I am Jaho, that is My name." (Isaiah 42:8)
— Jörg Frost (@jebellawz) Oktober 30, 2012
סיני הוא הר בערב ➨ #Sinai is a mountain in Arabia ☪ twitter.com/jebellawz/stat…
— Jörg Frost (@jebellawz) Oktober 29, 2012